Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ASD Service Dog

I (mom) have been researching the possibility of getting a service dog for Javi. There is quite a lot involved in getting a service dog, however, I think it would be a good fit for Javi. It would help in so many ways to allow Javi to be much more independent. We have put our pre-application in at Paws'itve Teams (http://www.pawsteams.org/) which is right here in San Diego and I have researched some that are out of state. In particular, we are interested in the service dogs that are more "family oriented" since we have multiple children with special needs. I have read on North Star's website (http://www.northstardogs.com/), that they offer dogs that meet the family's needs. In particular, there is a story about two brothers in the autism spectrum that share a service dog. The dog would mainly help with Javi's independence (ie: help him stay out of the street when playing outside with typical peers, help him stay on task when dressing, etc). I can't believe the stories about these dogs. They are amazing! I think it would really help him bridge the gap in many and help him with his day to day tasks. Also, the true companionship of have a service dog would be wonderful for him.

It's a long wait for a dog, but it's definitely something we are looking in to as a possibility.
Picture 2


Danielle said...

Wow Shanna...what an awesome idea! I've been scouring the net...I'd love to adopt an already trained dog...but that's just cause I'm a lazy bum! :O)
Anyway...this is just such amazing stuff that it's making me all teary eyed...good thing I haven't done my makeup yet! :O)


Shanna Grimes said...

Thanks. Let me know if your interested. I learned a lot from a lady here in SD who has a dog for her daughter. Each service is totally different in what they actually expect from you as the handler.

We are still considering it. We may postpone it until Kaylee gets a little older. We realized that it is a possibility that her needs may be greater, so we are just going to wait it out for now.